Tummy tuck surgery, popularly known also as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure meant to improve the appearance of the abdomen. This surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightening the muscles of one’s abdominal wall.
Tummy tuck surgery is rather popular among those who have experienced much weight loss or pregnancy, which often leaves behind loose skin and also weakened abdominal muscles.
Yet is it safe? There are benefits, risks, and post-surgery recovery tips to keep in mind.
A tummy tuck may appear as a simple procedure, but it is indeed a major surgery. The medical term for a tummy tuck is abdominoplasty. It does combine cosmetic surgery and also reconstructive surgery. During the procedure, the surgeon does remove excess fat and skin. The surgeon can also make use of stitches in order to tighten the stomach muscles. The person can get few benefits from a tummy tuck, yet it is important to consider the risks that come with this surgery.
Benefits of tummy tuck surgery
- The main purpose of a tummy tuck is no doubt to remove extra fat and skin from one’s belly.
- To repair loose belly muscles.
- A flatter, smoother, and firmer belly.
- Most people prefer a tummy tuck to look better and to also feel better about the way they look.
Another benefit of a tummy tuck surgery is that one has an abdominal hernia or an apron of fat known as a panniculus. The abdominal hernia can occur when the intestine pokes via a weak spot in one’s belly muscles. This can be rather uncomfortable. It can also be dangerous if the contents of the intestine get trapped. This is known as a strangulated hernia. A panniculus hanging down over one’s lower belly can be a source of skin infection and irritation.
Risks of tummy tuck surgery
- The chances of having a complication from a tummy tuck are low. Still, the risk is higher than other types of cosmetic surgeries. Three big complications to raise with the doctor are bleeding, infection, and also deep vein thrombosis. Studies do show that bleeding and infection are the most common problems.
- All sorts of abdominal surgery do increase the risk of a blood clot forming in one of the deep veins of one’s leg. This is known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The main danger of DVT is that the blood clot can break loose and thus proceed to one’s heart or even lungs. Ask the surgeon about this risk and what can be done to lower the risk.
Other risks for tummy tucks include:
- Fluid buildup is possible under the belly skin.
- Poor or even slow healing of the wound.
- Numbness or even color changes of one’s belly skin.
- Scarring.
- A poor result, thus requiring additional surgery.
- Pain that does continue after recovery from surgery.
How to get the best results?
A person can increase the benefits and reduce the risks of a tummy tuck by discussing the procedure well with the surgeon. Enquiring about preventing or minimizing the risks is important. Also, asking about the way to reduce the risks.
Few tips:
- If a smoker, quit smoking before surgery.
- Not smoking after surgery will also help with recovery.
- If having diabetes, make sure diabetes is in good control before surgery.
- If pregnant, postpone surgery until after pregnancy.
- A tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss and exercise. Try to get one’s weight under control prior to surgery.
- Tell the surgeon about all the medications as well as herbal supplements taken. Thus, one can reduce the risk of bleeding by stopping a few of these medications before one’s operation.
Tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to make the abdomen thinner and also more firm. The surgery involves the removal of excess skin as well as fat from the middle and lower abdomen.